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Groningen, the Netherlands – November 7, 2016
Diagnoptics is glad to announce, that DiosPharma has been appointed as the new distributor of the AGE Reader mu in Korea. DiosPharma will be responsible for the marketing & sales as well as the regulatory approval of the AGE Reader mu in Korea. “After recently starting successful partnerships in Japan and China, this distribution agreement means another step into a major market in Asia for Diagnoptics” said Diagnoptics’ CEO Bart van den Berg.
DiosPharma will start with obtaining regulatory approval from the Korean MFDS (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) for the AGE Reader mu. This process is expected to take 10-12 months after which DiosPharma will offer the AGE Reader mu to the Korean market.
DiosPharma Co., Ltd. is dedicated to medical device and pharmaceuticals industry since its foundation in 2008. Tim Souk, CEO of DiosPharma: “We have overcome many challenges while continuing to grow and contribute to the advancement of Korean market. We have been dedicating innovative product to medical device as non-invasive products as well as in & out licensing of generic pharmaceuticals. In order for human health to become a leader, DiosPharma will strive to lead continuous improvement through ongoing research and development and innovative solutions for healthcare.”
Distributor details DiosPharma
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