Cardiovascular risk

Assessing cardiovascular risk

Optimal cardiovascular risk assessment allows doctors to adjust treatment in high-risk patients at an early stage.

Cardiovascular risk in renal disease

Patients with chronic kidney disease have greatly increased risks of cardiovascular events and cardiovascular deaths. Furthermore, when events occur, their morbidity and mortality is higher. It is known that conventional cardiovascular risk scores such as Framingham tables, significantly underestimate the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease.
The AGE Reader has been validated in large outcome studies to identify renal patients with an increased cardiovascular risk. These patients will benefit the most from an adjusted treatment in an early phase. 

The AGE Reader has been tested extensively in renal disease, which led to the following important conclusions. Skin autofluorescence:

  • is an independent predictor of renal function and mortality in CKD 3 and hemodialysis patients.
  • is a strong and independent predictor of mortality and chronic graft loss in renal transplant recipients.
  • correlates to arterial elasticity and diastolic function in both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients
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AGE Reader mu - connect
Non-invasive cardiovascular risk assessment
The AGE Reader mu - connect is the latest generation AGE Reader that combines a high measurement quality standard with an innovative design. The AGE Reader mu is the perfect tool for physicians that want to improve the personalized care of their patients.
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Information on Diagnoptics' products and Advanced Glycation Endproducts.

Information for professionals

Information about Advanced Glycation Endproducts, the AGE measurement and clinical validation.