Groningen, the Netherlands. November 22, 2017.
Recently a new breakthrough publication about the AGE Reader was published. It concerns an analysis of 79.248 subjects of the LifeLines study, a longitudinal cohort study with 167.000 participants. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the AGE Reader would improve the FINDRISC model in detecting undiagnosed diabetes. In addition a simplified model with only the AGE Reader, BMI and age was tested.
In this paper the authors conclude that the AGE Reader measurement significantly improves the performance of the FINDRISC score in detecting diabetes. Furthermore, the simplified model (only AGE Reader, BMI and age) was shown to have a similar performance for diabetes detection compared to the full FINDRISC.
Please click here for the full-text version of this paper.
What are the key messages of this validation paper for the AGE Reader?
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