Read all news items about the AGE Reader and Diagnoptics.
Groningen, the Netherlands – July 20, 2012.
DiagnOptics will present the AGE Reader and Diab-spot at the upcoming 48th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the study of Diabetes (EASD 2012).
This meeting will take place from October 1st till October 5th at the Messe Berlin Exhibition Halls. DiagnOptics will be present at the industrial exhibition at stand number 3C01 (immediately at the entrance of hall 3).
We welcome everybody for a demonstration of our non-invasive products to asses cardiovascular risk and risk of diabetes.
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More information about Diagnoptics.
Information on Diagnoptics' products and Advanced Glycation Endproducts.
Information about Advanced Glycation Endproducts, the AGE measurement and clinical validation.